How could we help you?
What types of services does SCG EXPRESS provide?
- Normal Parcel
- Chilled & Frozen Parcel
- Cash on Delivery (COD)
- Over-Weight Over-Size
SCG EXPRESS parcel sizes ?
- Normal Parcel requires that the parcel’s width, length, and height total not exceed 250 centimeters and that it weigh no more than 25 kilograms.
- Chilled & Frozen Parcel The sum of the parcel’s width, length, and height must not exceed 120 centimeters, and the weight must not exceed 25 kilograms.
- The large parcel delivery service (Over-Weight Over-Size Parcel) is capable of transporting parcels weighing up to 50 kilograms and measuring no more than 2 meters in length.
How much does SCG EXPRESS charge for service?
The price is determined by the parcel’s dimensions on the sum of the width, length, and height
Customers can track the status of their orders. from which sources ?
SCG EXPRESS has provided customers with a channel. You can track your parcels in real time via the website / mobile application or by calling the call center at 02-239-8999.
How can customers track and trace parcel?
Customers can track and trace items on the official website, mobile application, or call center at 02-239-8999
I’d like to reserve a vehicle to pick up parcels at my residence. What am I to do?
3 Methods exist for reserving a car to receive parcels.
- Website
- Mobile Application SCG EXPRESS
- Call Center 02-239-8999
collection of parcels The service fee for general parcels is 60 baht per time (get ten or more parcels for free! (entrance fee)
special! Customers can send free temperature-controlled parcels and receive them from the first box.
Where can I receive the SCG EXPRESS service area?
For general delivery, parcels can be delivered throughout the country.
For parcels that require temperature control: On the page, customers can view the service area. Delivery of chilled/frozen parcels.